Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I have just witnessed the WORST sportsmanship that I have ever seen in all my 38 years!  I am literally sick to my stomach.  My eleven year old daughter plays on a winter volleyball league.  They are on it to have fun and learn how to play the sport.  Their team had a game tonight against a team that was clearly select.   Let me make it clear that I have no problem with kids on select sports teams.  I know parents and kids invest a whole lot of time and money in order to have their child play a sport they enjoy.  It's wonderful if that is what works for them.  My kid just wants to learn how to play volleyball in a recreational and fun setting, not compete against a team that is out for blood.

This team kicked my daughter's team's ass every which way til Sunday in all three of the games they played tonight.  They were a foot taller and honest to goodness looked like they were 15.  My daughter's team are girls that are 10 and 11.  The thing about it was that not only did this team win, but they made fun of and mocked my daughter's team all they way through the game.  They bounced the ball off their heads and chests over the net and laughed at our girls.  When they served the ball they did not face forward, they faced backwards and served the ball backwards over their heads.  Apparently these are not illegal moves, but they are 100% disrespectful and unsportsman like.  Come on!  Our girls are still learning to serve and still don't always make it over the net when they face forward.

The other team laughed and high-fived all through the game especially when our girls hit the ball out of bounds or made a bad serve.  It was appalling.  I have played and seen lots of sports being played during my life but nothing like this...ever!  The very worst part about it was that their coach, an adult woman, just sat there with a smug grin on her face the whole time.  Not once did she ever tell her girls to stop their behavior, in fact she encouraged them to serve facing backwards.  Not only that, but not ONE of the parents from the girls on that team said a thing.  I am telling you that if my child EVER behaved like one of those girls on the field or court at ANY game they were playing I would walk onto the court and personally pull my child off the court by his or her ear!!!!  Un-freaking-believable!!!  Even after the game the ref came over to our girls and apologized for the horrible behavior of the other team and assured us they would not be allowed back next year.  The girls, parents and coach of the other team said nothing.

We try and expose our kids to all kinds of activities when they are young so they can find what they enjoy most.  Kids are getting on select teams at such an early age now a days.  It makes it hard to find a place for my kids to play since they are just beginners, who never will be the athletic scholarship type, and haven't been playing this or that specific sport since they were 2.  It has not been a priority for our family to get involved in sports in that way.  We can't.  We don't have the time, money or capability to get to and from the amount of practices and games it takes to play select.  I truly don't have a problem with families who can do this for their kids.  I could only hope that for the intensity at which these kids practice and play the coaches and parents instill proper sportsmanship behavior in the kids.  For the most part I am sure they do, but the team our girls played tonight made my blood boil.  They were obnoxious, disrespectful, and humiliated our team.  I wish they would have played appropriately, won the games fair and square and shook hands with the girls on our team with some dignity.  Now my kid doesn't want to play next week because these girls were so awful to her and her team mates.  How bad does that suck?

 I saw this picture of a sign posted on the Hoffman Estates Park District's ice rink the other day, and I loved it.  It does not specifically deal with volleyball players, coaches, or parents, but it should give us all something to think about.

From This Side of Disaster,

Monday, February 25, 2013


Ok, so I have a really bad habit.  I cannot seem to keep my car clean.  The inside of my mini van looks like a tornado hit it.  Don't get me wrong, I like to have a clean car.  I try and get to the car washed when I can.  It just does not seem to stay clean. 

I pulled out some interesting things from inside my car today:
An electric piano
A beach towel
7 plastic Target bags
A zip lock bag full of angry birds underwear
3 pairs of shoes including a pair of flip flops (why?  there are 6 inches of snow on the ground!)
2 hoodies
A diet Dr. Pepper can with a pop tart wrapper (that would be breakfast)
A Leapster
An iPod
A bag of Cheetos
The list goes on.

a partial view of the inside of my van
I try.  I really do, but I have four kids.  Dirt follows them like Pigpen from Charlie Brown.  Where they go, dirt and mess follow.  I suppose I have become immune to it.  My husband on the other hand cannot stand it.  It is his biggest pet peeve.  He hates to drive/ride in my van.  I get it, but I have trouble changing my mode of operation to meet his vehicle standards.  He keeps his car immaculate.  He washes it, waxes it, conditions the leather get my drift.  He always tells me that when you take care of your things, they take care of you.  Wise man.  I would be interested to see if his car would still be in perfect condition if he had to drive four kids around for a week.  Hmmmm....

I know I have many other habits that drive my husband crazy such as my inability to clear my computer desktop of all the random files that take up the whole screen, my need to run the washing machine 19 hours a day, that I use his hair brush when I have two of my own sitting on the bathroom counter, yada yada yada.  He is a patient man.   Most of the time he never mentions my habits.  I know he cringes inside, but on the outside he remains calm (and I go on with my crazy ways).

My husband, on the other hand,  has one habit that I just can't wrap my mind around.  He does not put dirty clothes in the hamper.  They go on the floor next to the hamper and on top of the hamper, but just not IN the hamper. 

It's funny how two people can have such different things that they can accept or that sets them off yet still function like a well oiled machine.  One of the biggest life lessons is learned when you share your living space and your life with another person.  That simple lesson is life is full of compromises.  If you cannot compromise you will miss out on so many of the joys life has to offer.  Being close minded and judgmental will only bring you grief.  My husband I don't have a perfect relationship.  We bicker about stupid things, but in the end I know that he is more than just the sum of his habits as am I.  I can walk around the hamper and he can walk around my car and we will be all the better for it.

From This Side of Disaster,

Friday, February 22, 2013


Pardon the profanity.  It is just necessary for this post.

Terrible twos, why yes they are.  Thank you for asking. 

Being a parent of four different two-year old children, I have learned a few things.  I am happy to share my knowledge and advice with you.

1.  Two-year olds have a voice modulation problem.  They speak in screams.  Get some earplugs

2. Two-year olds have a hard time keeping up with the latest fashion trends. Don't take them in public.

3. Two-year olds cannot tell the difference between a dog and a patio.  Do not let the dog and the kid outside at the same time.

4. Slimy two-year olds are hard to hold on to.  Do not keep Vaseline in your home.

 5.  Two-year olds store sand in their sinus cavities.  Always carry tissues.

6. Two-year olds are naturalists.  They have no problem using the bathroom in the outdoors.  Watch where you step.

7.  Two-year olds like the smell of weird things.  Develop a gag reflex.

8.  Two-year olds are not picky about which orifice they insert things into.  Carry tweezers.

 9. Two-year olds are born with black belts in Karate.  Wear padding.

10.  Two-year olds are curious about body parts.  Ladies clothing stores should be off limits.

11. Two-year olds can scale any obstacle to get a tasty treat.  Hide your snack food.

12.  Two-year olds are animals.  Confinement is the best option.

13.  Two-year olds do not like water in their eyes.  Invest in goggles.

Even though two-year olds are a large portion of the time spawns of the devil, the other times they are the cutest, funniest, happiest, silliest people in the world!  I wouldn't trade mine for anything...that is unless you have something really good!!  Oh come on people, I am kidding!!

From This Side of Disaster,

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Little Things

Need an idea for storing all those "little things" that fill your junk drawer?  Check out our Design Projects tab for a great storage idea!

From this side of design,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

You Are Skinny & Pretty

I have a brilliant friend, Dawn Troutman, who has 3 boys.  When ever they want something from her she has taught them to say, "Mommy, you are so skinny and so pretty.  Can I have...?"  Sometimes we all just need to be complemented and since I know my kids won't do it on their own, I am using her sage advice.

Don't go getting your panties in a wad thinking I am planting the crazy notion into their heads that women have to be pretty and skinny to be worthwhile.  I am doing this because it is FREAKING FUNNY and I need to have my ego stroked every once in a while due to the fact that I am NOT skinny and usually look like I got hit by a bus!

Today, though, I am skinny and pretty all because my son wanted some Nerd candy :)

From this side of disaster,

Monday, February 18, 2013

I Am Here Because You Broke Something


This week I have set a personal record for breaking computers.  It is so pathetic, it is almost funny.  My husband would disagree.  I do not think I am his favorite person at this particular point in time.  On Friday, as Rhonda and I were attempting to finish up all of our last minute details on this blog so that we could go live, a glass of water spilled all over the dining room table and onto my computer.  Within about 2 seconds the monitor on my laptop shorted out and the computer proceeded to die.  Croak.   Gone.  My stomach dropped and that sick feeling came over me.  I attempted to take the cover off the bottom of the computer to "fix" it.  I tried a hair dryer, q-tips, everything.  No luck.  Knowing I had to call my husband to ask for help I was overcome with anxiety.
This did not just happen
Oh Sh*t!

Some days it feels like whenever I call him it is to tell him that something is broken.  In fact I purchased the t-shirt shown in the picture above for him last Christmas.  He wears it often.  It is one thing when I am telling him that the curtain rod got pulled out of the wall, but to tell him that I killed the computer was not going to be fun, and it wasn't.  He was out of town just about to give a presentation to a client when I called with the good news.    Probably not the best time to break the news to him.  He returned to town later that evening and proceeded to figure out a way to salvage the hard drive on my laptop.  He had to rig it to another machine to get it to work until we can get a new computer.

The next morning when I woke up I found my two year old playing with my iPad at the kitchen table.  He said, "Look what I did to your button!"  He had somehow managed to get the button on the bottom of the screen detached and pushed it up under the glass screen.   I couldn't believe that I was dumb enough to leave the iPad out on the counter for little hands to find.  More importantly I can't believe that I didn't put a password on the iPad so that even if he did find it, he could not have accessed it.  Freaking great.

Upon reporting this to my spouse he was considerably less than thrilled.  He announced that he was done...done trying to fix anything.  I suppose he won't be wearing his shirt anytime soon. Needless to say this weekend will be one of the most expensive weekends we have had in a long, long time.

From this side of disaster,

Friday, February 15, 2013

Front Porch Makeover

Check out this easy way to decorate your front porch under our design projects tab!   Your front porch is the threshold to your home and is your opportunity to make a stunning first impression!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Boys and Dogs

I think it was Erma Bombeck who said, "Every dog should have a boy."

From this side of disaster,

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Check out the brand new post on our Design Projects page!

Transform a laundry hamper into an organized wrapping station in no time at all!


 As I was looking in the mirror getting ready for work I noticed how dark the bags under my eyes are.  I look like I haven't slept in days.  I moved closer to the mirror to get a better look and also noticed that the crows feet around my eyes aren't just around my eyes anymore.  They cover most of my face.  I turned to the side and discovered I have lost the elasticity in the skin under my chin.  It looks a bit like a turkey gobbler.  I hung my head in defeat and got a good look at my hands.  They are calloused and the veins are becoming more pronounced just like they are on my legs.  As I looked back up at the mirror, the gray hair at my roots reflected the off the bathroom light.  Then as I said some swear words to make me feel better I noticed how discolored my teeth are.  For crying out loud!!  Deciding to try and improve my appearance I moved closer to my magnifying makeup mirror so that I could see to put on my eye makeup.  I remember being little and watching my mom use her magnifying mirror.  I swore I would never need one because my eyesight would always be perfect.  I have received a harsh dose of reality.  Man, I feel old.  I am almost 38.  As a child I remember people in their thirties being old...ancient in fact.  And ancient is currently how I feel. 

I could not stay and have a pity party forever so I proceeded with my morning.  On the way to preschool my son was watching the movie Cars 2.  All the sudden my selective hearing picks a conversation between Mater and Holley Shiftwell.

Mater: Oh, for a second there I thought you was trying to fix my dents. 

Holley Shiftwell: Yes, I was.

Mater: Well then, no thank you. I don't get them dents buffed, pulled, filled or painted by nobody.     They way too valuble. 

Holley Shiftwell: Your dents are valuble? Really?

Mater: I come by each one of 'em with my best friend Lightning McQueen. I don't wanna fix these. I wanna remember these dents forever.

It was like a lightning bolt hit me.  An ah-ha moment, like the big guy upstairs hit me upside my dense head to give me a message.  All the wear and tear I noticed on my thirty seven year old body  (the bags, the wrinkles, the loose skin, the veins, the callouses, the gray hair) are all just dents.  Each and every one of those dents have been earned.

The bags under my eyes show that often lie awake in the middle of the night holding a scared child close so that they feel safe.  The crows feet around my eyes show that I smile often and have a blessed and happy life.  The gray hair reflects the time, energy and emotion I put into taking care of my family because I love them so much. 

My calloused and beat up looking hands show that I work hard doing a job I love. My veiny legs are from carrying four pregnancies to term with big, healthy babies.  My discolored teeth show that I have shared lots of cups of coffee with amazing friends.  These are my dents and I am so blessed to have them.  To quote Mater, "I don't wanna fix these. I wanna remember these dents forever."

From this side of disaster,